Category: Featured Success Stories - Page 6

Fiona's Daughter Brogan

Fiona’s a Winner in More Ways than 1

Fiona’s daughter Brogan collecting the iPad Mini on her behalf. Fiona Fraser – won’t let Fibromyalgia beat her. A YMCA […]

Joy Peters

Joy’s Momenta Journey

“I have tried Weight Watchers and Slimming World but Momenta is the only thing that has worked for me” Joy […]

Louise YMCA Y:Active Member

Louise’s Story

“I became healthier, fitter and 7 stone lighter” Louise Darbyshire Age: 40 Membership: Y:Active Gold Member My journey began in […]

Michelle YMCA Y:Active Member

Michelle’s Story

“The YMCA enables me to keep healthy and exercise regularly due to the fantastic facilities provided for my children” Michelle […]

Tony YMCA Y:Active Member

Tony’s Story

“The staff are highly qualified and go the extra mile to make sure your training stays on track. Nothing is […]

Jean YMCA Y:Active Member

Jean’s Story

“I found like minded people who were also encouraged to do more exercise” Jean Muir Age: 67 Membership: Y:Active Silver […]