Freemasons of the Lodge of Triumph donate £350 to YMCA Housing

Freemasons of The Lodge of Triumph donation

This week the Freemasons of the Lodge of Triumph kindly donated £350 to our YMCA Housing facility, Harbour House Lytham. The donation was presented by Roger Weston and received by Aimee Townsend of Harbour House (both pictured above).

Support Worker, Aimee Townsend said: “The very generous gift of £350 from the local Freemasons will be used to buy essential homeware such as pots, pans and electrical items that young people will need within the supported housing units.”

Darren Collins of the Lodge of Triumph said: “I knew about the brilliant work that the YMCA undertakes with providing safe, secure, affordable accommodation for young people aged between 16 and 24-years-old. It is pleasing to hear that the YMCA youngsters thrive as they make a transition to independent living working with an education establishment or training provider.”

YMCA Fylde Coast would like to thank The Lodge of Triumph for their generous donation. This money will go a long way towards essential household items required for residents to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

If you would like to make a donation to YMCA Fylde Coast, please email

You can read the full story on The Gazette.


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