Bring the Kids to YMCA Thornton and Try Out Les Mills Born to Move for FREE

YMCA Thornton are offering you the chance to bring the kids and try out the ground-breaking Les Mills Born to Move Programme for FREE. We are launching a 2 week trial, taking place on Thursday 9th and Thursday 16th March. We have 2 classes taking place on each day for the following age groups. To book your child’s place contact YMCA Thornton on 01253 824108 or call into the centre.

Les Mills Born to Move for 4-5 Year Olds

4:15pm – 5:15pm

These fun-fuelled classes captivate 4-5 olds to help develop balance, coordination and concentration skills, whilst teaching children how to move to the beat of the music.

The movement patterns are fun and simple, aimed at stimulating a child’s creativity and love of pretend and make believe.  During a class, children might go on a journey to become characters in a circus, venture out to space as an astronaut, or travel the world meeting various cultures.

Children in this age group learn by copying the behaviour of others. 4-5 year olds act more on their own initiative, so a variety of learning methods are used in this class. They work on their own, following each other in a train or dance together in a circle, and, by interacting with each other the children can build friendships and start to develop their interpersonal skills. We know that this age groups needs loads of consistency and repetition so the structure of this class is always the same and this format allows children to grow in confidence and feel safe in their learning environment.

Les Mills Born to Move for 8-12 Year Olds

5:15pm – 6:15pm 

This session gets children fitter and faster and it builds their overall strength and agility. These classes incorporate eight different styles of movement which adds variety and helps improve rhythm, focus, physical proficiency, strength and balance.

There is a big emphasis on how children feel rather than how they look and games help them develop social interactive skills, meaning they’re more confident and competent kids. The keys to this class are having fun and cultivating a positive attitude towards movement.

This age group are more aware of their own capabilities so the advantage of many disciplines is that everyone will have something they are naturally really good at. This will help to build their confidence so they are more likely to try other movements that they find challenging.

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